A reliance on the management of resources through cooperative action reduced their flexibility of action, so that when poor seasons occurred, people were seriously hurt.
Needless to say, the actual business of getting cooperative, worldwide action on climate change would be much more complicated and tendentious than this discussion suggests.
Now you'll use the Cooperative Source Trigger to add a user interface (UI) to your JSP file, create the action, and make the data available to the property broker.
现在您可以使用CooperativeSourceTrigger来添加一个用户界面 (UI)到您的JSP文件中,创建这个行为,使这些数据能被这个属性代理所用。
In all three portlet types, a property transfer is triggered when a request parameter is presented to the action request with the name and value given in the Cooperative Source wizard.
to take action against non-cooperative jurisdictions, including tax havens. We stand ready to deploy sanctions to protect our public finances and financial systems.
Implement the action processing to make the data available to the property broker if it is a cooperative source or, if it is a cooperative target, to get data passed in by the property broker.
Specialty cooperative of peasants; Institution supply; Collective action dilemma.
Right-click on a cooperative action or data type node in the Project Explorer.
右键点击Project Explorer中的一个协作行为或者一个数据类型阶段。
See the Related articles for more information on cooperative portlets and its predecessor technology, C2A, or click-to-action.
For example, IBM WebSphere Portal Server offers the nonstandard click-to-action extensions (cooperative portlets).
例如,IBMWebSpherePortalServer提供非标准的一点即动(click - to - action)扩展(即协作portlet)。
Sticking to the two-track negotiatingprocess pertaining to the Kyoto Protocol and Long-term Cooperative Action working groups is a key element, so that "Cancun does not repeat Copenhagen."
Aim To study the biochemistry of lanthanides, the cooperative action of inorganic and organic anti-tumor drugs.
Based on the framework of game theory, this paper mainly discusses the difficult problem in understanding the cooperation in collective action and seeks out the equilibration of cooperative game.
Bill pledge is a kind of bill action which is characteristically abstract, formatted, documental, independent and cooperative.
Relying on three experimental schools, action research is applied probing into the problem-based and web-based cooperative learning activity design.
The first session of the AD Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action (AWG-LCA) had only to open on Tuesday evening for parties to divide sharply into two camps.
The first session of the AD Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action (AWG-LCA) had only to open on Tuesday evening for parties to divide sharply into two camps.