In core making with cold core box, the solvent content in the binding material has a greater influence on the sand core strength.
Sand core for the blade was made by hand drawing the pattern from core box. The way of core making is feasible on a medium scale production.
Quartz sand core, which is made in accordance with a special core making technique of casting, is one of common materials used in Investment casting.
Ester cured alkaline phenolic resin, which is synthesized by alkaline phenolic resin and organic ester, is a new type of binder used for molding and core making.
Based on domestic materials used in the Phenolic Urethane Cold Box Process (PUCB), the relationship between core making technique and the properties of core was analyzed.
The investigation was carried out into the technological properties of microwave silicate sand, molding and core making, casting pouring, used sand reclamation and its properties.
I really believe the core idea of making is to have an idea within your head—or you just borrow it from someone—and begin to develop it, repeat it and improve it.
Businesses have eagerly adopted the jargon of "embedding" CSR in the core of their operations, making it "part of the corporate DNA" so that it influences decisions across the company.
企业已经急切地采用了这些行话:把CSR “置入”他们的运营核心,使它变成“公司DNA的一部分”以便影响公司面的决定。
One aspect of making this possible is to model core business processes and transform them into executable IT artifacts that can be run automatically by a business process engine.
Validation processes are often scattered throughout method calls, making it difficult to tell the difference between validation logic and core business logic.
Though the jQTouch framework might be a simple plug-in on top of jQuery, it certainly extends the philosophy of the jQuery framework by embracing core web technologies and making development easier.
尽管jQTouch框架可能是jQuery之上的一个简单插件,它的确通过接受核心web技术以及使开发更为容易扩展了 jQuery 框架的理念。
Rational SOMA addresses the core service solution design activities of service identification, service specification, and making service realization decisions.
It embraces core web technologies, making common, boilerplate tasks easier and more intuitive.
Next is the radiative zone, which extends from the core to 70 percent of the way to the sun's surface, making up 32 percent of the sun's volume and 48 percent of its mass.
In fact, the Grails team continues to spin off core functionality into plug-ins where appropriate, making Grails itself tinier and more stable in each release.
This version only needs System.XML and the core runtimes, making it much more suitable for applications that want to use XAML without loading the Fx libraries.
该版本只需System . XML与核心运行时即可,这对于那些想要使用XAML但又不想加载Fx程序库的应用来说再适合不过了。
Most of the changes are taking place far underneath the core of the engine, making the end result quite seamless to most web users.
Beard told me that all Mozilla products are designed to be extended, but this may include making them part of the core Firefox browser.
After all, at its core, Xubuntu has traditionally retained a high level of dependence on Gnome, making it hard to distinguish in many respects from standard ubuntu.
Once you have defined your core and know what is responsible for making it a reality through your Web application, you need to keep it at the heart of everything you do.
In light of the evidence, the Fed is right to pay more attention to core inflation than to overall inflation when making decisions about interest rates.
When the core is exposed, its radiation heats the ejected gas, making it glow.
Decision making forms the core of every enterprise lifecycle.
Making apple pie? Need a quick snack? Learn the fastest and simplest way to remove the core.
Briefly, the core of what is known as the Japanese style of management comes from an emphasis in Japanese society on building consensus in group decision making.
It is an easier process than making changes to the core.
That core, calculation suggests, takes up around 60% of the planet's volume, making it far larger than the cores of Venus, Earth and Mars, the solar system's other rocky planets.
Last week, Cisco announced that it would stop making the popular Flip camcorder. The company announced that it would focus more on its core businesses.
Last week, Cisco announced that it would stop making the popular Flip camcorder. The company announced that it would focus more on its core businesses.