Whether it's China lowering its statutory corporate income tax rate from 33% to 25% in 2008, or the U.S. cutting corporate income taxes from 39% from 35%, companies rarely ever pay the full load.
One thing on which there does seem to be a consensus is that America's marginal rate of corporate income tax-at 35%, one of the world's highest-must come down.
That means the income "passes" straight to shareholders, who then pay taxes on it at their ordinary income rate, thus avoiding the corporate tax.
Even Mr Romney's much more modest call to cut the corporate tax rate and extend income-tax cuts dating from George Bush junior's presidency generates more dismay than enthusiasm among voters.
A low or zero rate of tax on corporate and capital income may simply encourage top earners to change how they take their compensation.
The Capital Gains tax in the U. S. now stands at a relatively low 15% in comparison to the average 30% rate on individual or corporate income.
Once authorized by the government, a high-tech company can enjoy a reduced tax rate at 15% in paying corporate income tax since its first day of operation.
The top rate of corporate income tax is to fall from 35% (one of the highest in the world) to 25%.
The top rate of corporate income tax is to fall from 35% (one of the highest in the world) to 25%.