Farm demonstration work in the south helped to fight the cotton boll weevil .
Farm demonstration work in the South helped to fight the cotton boll weevil.
While fibre break strength was increased with cotton boll age, it was reduced when temperature dropped.
Some biological characters and its inheritance of the causal organism of cotton boll Anhui were studied in vitro.
The intensity of inhibition was correlated with the contents of Tannin Acid of the cotton boll in different position.
It has three generations a year in Shanghai and overwinters asa diapaused larva in the head of the garlic and the dead cotton boll.
The sensitivity of diapause induction by photoperiod of the larvae fed by corn ear was stronger than that of the larvae fed by cotton boll.
According to quite a number of research results, this review first made it clear that plant hormones could transport from other organs to cotton boll through phloem.
The nitrogen accumulation in cotton boll-shell, cottonseed, cotton fiber and single boll were significantly affected by the nitrogen application rates and their blooming stage.
In the early years of the century, the boll weevil began devastating the cotton farms in the south.
The cotton grows on the plant as long hairs attached to the seeds inside the boll .
But in the early years of the century, the boll weevil began devastating the cotton farms in the south.
Some bats have even been utilised in pest control experiments, keeping boll moth Numbers down in cotton plantations.
Gossypol, which is produced by gland cells in the leaves of Cotton, is an attractant to the boll weevil.
But in the early years of the century, the 3 boll weevil began 4 devastating the cotton farms in the south.
The cotton grows on the plant as long hairs attached to the seeds inside the boll.
He got born like the cotton in the boll or the rabbit in the pea patch.
The result showed that: 1. These transgenic insect-resistant cotton after introducing different exogenous gene have different resistance to boll-worm because of distinct killing mechanism;
The paper studied effects of GA_3 and IAA on cellulase activity in abscission zone from petiole of primary leaves of bean, cotyledon petioles and boll petioles of cotton.
The resistance of frego bract cotton was neutral, but insecticideamount on its green boll surface increased by4.9—10.0 times.
With 6 different genetic background and high pure upland cotton lines as female parents, the variation of allogamous affinity and main traits of hybrid boll were analyzed under assisted pollination.
Cotyledon area was an index of yield in early growth period of cotton and existed positive correlation to seed cotton weight per boll.
Yet it will affect yield and quality of cotton, as later sowing always results in later development, excessive vegetative growth and boll shedding.
The results showed that (1) The R of high yield cotton was 26 2% lower than that of common cotton (CK) in night time, but total photosynthetic amount was 46 1% higher at bearing boll period.
The population root activity of interplanting cotton decreased significantly at the square and boll stage, with the high value period delayed 15 to 25 days.
套作棉花在蕾铃期群体根系活力降低,且根系活力高值期出现的时间后延15 ~25天,高值持续期明显缩短。
Natural crossing and boll setting of a nucleo-cytoplasmic sterile line of cotton Jin-A were studied.
Different flowering dates and bolling positions had a significant effect on the individual boll weight, boll period and fiber quality of cotton.
GGR can promote the development of cotton roots like rhizogenic powder. It can also help seedling height, the number of lateral roots, root dry weight, boll weight and boll number per plant.
Generally, the total boll numbers of multi-stem cotton was significantly increased, but single boll weigh on average was lower.
Generally, the total boll numbers of multi-stem cotton was significantly increased, but single boll weigh on average was lower.