You have the power, of course, to refuse me, but could you think it over for three days and then reply me?
Could you think it over in reverse, if I pour the lotus seeds first, no the walnuts, could anyone of them be put into the bottle after the lotus seeds are filled in it.
Think About How It Could Have Been Better: What would you do differently if you had it to do over?
You might think a CEO could talk over their problems with their family, but it turns out that family life, or lack of it, can be another problem.
Dr. TURNER: So in fact if you ask how big or how small could it be without changing life on Earth, I think it can't have been different than one over 137 by more than about 10 or 20 percent.
Obviously this "transformation" could not take place over night. How long do you think it will take for this "transformation" to be complete?
What? It was your husband who found the lump in your breast? Do you think he could come over and teach my husband how to do that?
What? It was your husband who found the lump in your breast? Do you think he could come over and teach my husband how to do that?