In 1721, James began publishing a newspaper, the new England Courant.
If you want to be au courant, you need to know all the latest information.
It was the second that appeared in America, called the New England Courant.
They're digital scans of letters to the editor of The New England Courant .
The Americans want to be au courant, to know what fiction has critical prestige in Europe.
Then, later, I saw on the website of Courant de Vie, that there was a conference in Paris.
PAUL COURANT, the dean of libraries at the University of Michigan, jokes that he also runs “an orphanage”.
The “multi-touch” interface devised by Jeff Han, a researcher at New York University's Courant Institute, is more elaborate.
Its newspapers include the Hartford Courant in Connecticut, a number of suburban Philadelphia newspapers and the Trentonian near Philadelphia.
And the classical Courant-Fisher theorem is applied to the complex normal matrix by using a kind of decomposition of complex normal matrices.
利用正规矩阵和乘积可交换矩阵的重要性质 ,给出了亚正定矩阵的三个充分条件以及其合同矩阵的两个分解形式 。
So while unstructured hobo bags might be au courant, Ms. Botkier suggests carrying something with a slightly stiffer structure for the office.
Three centuries after the appearance of Franklin's Courant, few believe that newspapers in their present printed from will remain alive for long.
"We overdo pretty much everything," Bessenoff says in a Hartford Courant story about a new course she's teaching called "The Psychology of Overconsumption."
A remarkable advantage of the proposed method is that the Courant stability condition can be totally removed, and the time step size is limited only by the numerical dispersion errors.
By using au courant instead of, say, abreast of things, the writer indicates that he isnodullclod whoknowsonly English but an elegant person aware of how things are done in le hautmonde.
By using au courant instead of, say, abreast of things, the writer indicates that he isnodullclod whoknowsonly English but an elegant person aware of how things are done in le hautmonde.