Our conjecture was that depressions would be closely connected to stock-market crashes (at least in the sense that a crash would signal a substantially increased chance of a depression).
There is no numerically specific definition of a crash but the term commonly applies to steep double-digit percentage losses in a stock market index over a period of several days.
While the real ownership of the stock market is impossible to pin down, Mr Howie's analysis poses important questions about what might happen if there is a sharp crash in share prices.
The willingness of investors to pin their hopes on a rate cut is understandable: after all, that has been the response of the Fed to every financial panic since the stock market crash of 1987.
"People say they're afraid of a stock market crash," said Mr. Lynch, the former manager of Fidelity's Magellan fund. "Well, we've already had a crash."
“人们都说他们害怕股市暴跌,”这位前富达麦哲伦基金(Fidelitys Magellan fund)的基金经理林奇先生说,“好吧,我们已经遭受了股市暴跌。”
This has been relentless all week.”". Business Week also referred to the crisis as a "stock market crash" or the "Panic of 2008."
Stock market investors may anticipate a replay of that post-crash world.
WEEKLY ON STOCKS news, after the stock market crash 3.0, some deeply trapped investors want to get out of the trap strongly, a large number of T+0 factories are emerging because of this.
Well, he would expect a general drop across the board as people experienced the shock of the housing (and stock market) crash, and consequently postponed as many purchases as they could.
A little over a decade ago, Nobel Prize-winning economist Edward Prescott did a study of stock prices in 1929, before that year's giant stock market crash.
The incredible quantity of shares put on the market at the same time will cause a stock market crash of such magnitude that all the national economies of the West will collapse at the same time.
I spent a lot of time and money on that business venture, but last year's stock market crash put me back at square one.
I spent a lot of time and money on that business venture, but last year's stock market crash put me back at square one.