Next, you can create a new project once the tool is up and running.
You also saw what it takes to create a new tool for GIMP.
您还看到为 GIMP创建一个新工具需要完成哪些步骤。
Both directories have files to be updated to create a new tool.
Enterprise architects can use the tool to create new configurations.
To create an image using the tool, start with an operating system and customize it with software content, called bundles, and then generate a new image package.
However, recent anonymous attacks showed a new level of sophistication by recruiting volunteers to download a tool to create a "virtual" botnet, turning almost anybody into a potential hacker.
Create a new layer underneath your layout title text, and then get the Rectangular Marquee Tool (M) ready.
Before deciding to create a new tool, you should also consider writing a plug-in for GIMP.
The tests are used as a tool to create new functionality, but not as a way to increase the trust in the code.
It is often the subtle differences between these two that create the no repro state, and a new tool within VSTS 2010 has been designed to specifically address this.
常常正是这两个版本间的细微区别导致了无法错误再现的状态,VSTS 2010中针对这个问题专门设计了一个新的工具。
The brush palette also featured a number of changes, including the new healing brush tool, patch tool, and the ability to create custom brushes.
Create a new EJB project within the development tool you chose to use, and name it LoggingMediation.
However, recently we developed a skin editing tool to help developers modify skins and to create new skin groups.
不过,最近我们开发了皮肤编辑工具来帮助开发人员修改皮肤和创建新的皮肤组(skin group)。
Antlr: Antlr is a powerful language design tool, giving you the ability to create new parsers and lexers for custom languages.
Antlr: Antlr是一种强大的语言设计工具,能让您为自定义语言创建新的解析器和词汇分析器。
Feature Level 7 is the default (optional) when you create a new schema repository with the Maintenance Tool.
Using the PaletteStack tool from the Palettes palette, create a new PaletteStack on the diagram.
The hub export tool accompanying this article combines the tar.gz file with the new hub to create a replacement tar.gz.
本文附带的中心导出工具将tar .gz文件和新中心结合起来创建一个替代tar . gz。
By default, the tool also offers to create a new EAR project, called LoggingMediationEAR.
Create servlets from scratch in the model by using the tool palette item for Siplet (SIP servlet) or ConvergedServlet, and by creating a new stereotyped class in the model.
通过使用Siplet (SIPservlet)或ConvergedServlet的工具选项板项,以及在模型中创建新的原型化的类,来从头在模型中创建servlet。
For the mapping tool to use information from our database, it needs to be able to connect to that database, so create a new database connection with the following information.
Regular users can create new elements for inclusion in other people's experience of the film using this Google-created, open-source, browser-based tool.
After your environment is set up properly, you can run the ij tool to create a new directory, as shown in Listing 1.
This will make it easier to see what happens when you create a new database using the ij tool.
Create new storage units with the storage Manager tool (see step 2).
This article used the ij tool to create a new database and then explored the directories and files that were generated when Derby created the new database.
Make a new layer and select the "Polygonal lasso tool" and create an abstract shape that looks similar to the example below. it.
新建一个新图层然后选择“多边形套索工具”(Polygonal lasso tool)画出一个类似于下图的一个抽象的形状出来。
Before choosing the pen tool, first create a new layer.
Make sure the pen tool is set to Create New Work Path. See below.
When a new version of the application is built, a special tool is run against the source to create the Forms file.
When a new version of the application is built, a special tool is run against the source to create the Forms file.