Listing 2 shows an Atom 1.0 feed with a Creative Commons license.
清单2展示了一个具有Creative Commons许可的Atom 1.0提要(feed)。
Original content is published under a creative commons license per our terms of use .
Unless you willingly give them up (EX: a Creative Commons License), no one can violate them legally.
The final point of discussion here is how we indicate Creative Commons license information for the document itself.
Winning work will be featured with the contributors' name and all work contributed will be covered by a Creative Commons license.
Once we had something that seemed like a good start to a document, we decided that we would release under a creative commons license so that the broader community could build on it as they saw fit.
当我们觉得给文件起了个好头,就决定在Creative Commons许可下进行发布,以便更广泛的群体能以他们认为合适的方式在此基础上继续完善。
Now let's look at the license types provided by creative Commons and how they affect usage of a creative work.
现在看看由Creative Commons提供的许可类型以及它们对创作性作品的影响。
The Creative Commons is indicating license information for songs and other content on the Web.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 China License .
Creative Commons is not a party to this License, and makes no warranty whatsoever in connection with the Work.
Creative Commons并非本授权条款之当事人,亦不为本著作做任何其他相关之保证。
Creative Commons is not a party to this License, and makes no warranty whatsoever in connection with the Work.
Creative Commons并非本授权条款之当事人,亦不为本著作做任何其他相关之保证。