Engineering guarantee warrantee is not only an important means of risk transferring in construction engineering, but also an important tool of credit insurance between proprietor and contractor.
The China Export & Credit Insurance Corporation provides the export credit guarantee for Chinese export enterprises.
To satisfy this need, performance guarantee insurance derives from bank individual consumption credit business, gains general accept -ability from the parties interested, and presents great vitality.
Warranty insurance is different from credit insurance and guarantee. Its application in the installment purchase of vehicles is worthy of serious analyse.
Handling the legal matters in terms of commercial notes, foreign exchange, letter of credit, loan guarantee, insurance remedy claim, trust, etc.
Export credit insurance is one of three major official export-promotion policies which also include export credit and export credit guarantee.
The expense credit vigorous development, the insurance company joins positively, thus expedited childbirth in our country has honored an agreement to guarantee the insurance.
Assurances may consist of one or a combination of insurance, guarantee, surety bond, letter of credit, or qualification as a self-insurer.
Assurances may consist of one or a combination of insurance, guarantee, surety bond, letter of credit, or qualification as a self-insurer.