A host of measures, from the value of the stock market to the creation of credit, are now nearly back to their level before the collapse of Lehman Brothers in September last year.
This is important because many will borrow on a credit card in an emergency to avoid the penalty of cashing out a c.d. or a selling stock during a down market.
In the eons before minimum wages and credit CARDS and 401-ks and stock market crashes, the closest thing to earnings and savings was bounty from the hunt.
Though volatility in the stock market has been high ever since the credit crisis began in mid-2007, the summer of 2008 has been especially wild.
"Farmers can sell the carbon they have stored in their trees through a carbon credit stock market," Guyette said.
The enterprises in book industry begin to trade in credit on a large scale, in order to enlarge the market share and shrink the stock.
Taking into account the stock market has obviously bear away, so credit-type products, financial investors in droves.
I credit my late father for this approach, who grew up in the Depression and never lost faith in the U. S. economy or stock market.
Receivable account is a kind of claimable income by selling goods in stock on credit, through which enterprises can promote their market share and increase profit.
The fundamental way out for the development of China's stock market lies in re-establishing the credit order of stock market and forming a firm credit foundation of the market itself.
A number of successful applications have been reported in areas such as credit rating, fraud detection, database marketing, customer relationship management, and stock market investments.
Considering the lack of credit date of financial market in China, KMV model, which can directly use data from stock market to measure credit risk, has extensive application.
Greek economic problems contributed to stock market losses around the world and riots in the streets of Athens, and prompted rating agencies to cut that nation's credit rating.
In a financial system with institutional defects, one of the most reasons is that bank's credit fund flow into the stock market.
The fundamental way out for the development of China's stock market lies in re-establishing the credit order of stock market and forming a firm credit foundation of the mar...
Punishment of deliberate credit delinquencies will be enforced with policy and legal measures, and measures will be taken to prevent the use of bank loans for illegal speculation in the stock market.
In contrast to the stock market's reaction, the credit market has barely changed since the plan's announcement.
Greenspan eschewed regulation of the stock market by raising margin requirements, but McChesney Martin in the '50s played margin credit like an accordion.
格林斯潘通过提高保证金要求来规避股市监管。但是McChesney Martin在五十年代曾如演奏手风琴一般自如地控制保证金信用。
Greenspan eschewed regulation of the stock market by raising margin requirements, but McChesney Martin in the '50s played margin credit like an accordion.
格林斯潘通过提高保证金要求来规避股市监管。但是McChesney Martin在五十年代曾如演奏手风琴一般自如地控制保证金信用。