With their assets worth less and credit tight, people will be forced to save much more than they used to.
Nor, with credit tight and consumers keen to rebuild their balance-sheets, is it likely that greater confidence will boost private spending much.
In general, the bank at the end of the year will appear credit tight situation, this year and last year's credit scale has very strict control, by the end of the "off -" the situation is more serious.
Of course, that doesn't mean they are buying: 60% said tight credit was preventing them from taking the plunge.
Tight credit is not an immediate threat: German companies have plenty of cash.
The central questions facing renewables now, experts say, are how long credit will be tight and how low oil and natural gas prices will fall.
The historically tight borrowing spreads on emerging market debt have widened somewhat, but modestly in comparison to most every other credit product.
Guarantors have become the lenders of last resort to small manufacturers who increasingly are getting squeezed by tight credit as well as soaring wages and other production costs.
Recent weeks have seen nations employ more aggressive measures to prop up financial institutions, ease tight credit, and reassure panicky investors.
One obstacle to the rally continuing is the tight market for credit, which has made it difficult for Chinese businesses that use steel to borrow money.
Central Banks around the world have aggressively injected money into financial systems to counteract tight credit that could strangle economic expansion.
Industrial production growth will contract amid tight credit conditions and weaker exports.
And until the tight global credit logjam really can be broken up, the currently tense economic climate will remain.
Moreover, tight credit conditions left little margin for error.
A boost in sales would please dealers, too, and encourage Banks to relax their tight credit terms for dealers and suppliers.
Tight credit has already curbed new oil and gas development, and the trend appears likely to continue.
Most analysts trace America's current economic woes to tight credit conditions sparked by a wave of home foreclosures and mortgage defaults.
The stock market was plunging; credit remained tight; fresh unemployment Numbers were shocking.
When credit is tight as it is now, they can be stagnant for years.
It means juggling money to stay out of debt rather than simply paying with a credit card. It means finding a cheaper alternative when money is tight.
CONVENTIONAL wisdom says that it is better to be a large company than a small one when credit is tight.
It's a notable move amid falling travel demand and a tight lending environment — on top of UAL's recent heavy losses and poor credit rating.
It's a notable move amid falling travel demand and a tight lending environment — on top of UAL's recent heavy losses and poor credit rating.