This is a critical number because if you are making money, you can grow your business without needing help from anyone else. Your business is sustainable.
While addressing that critical number was crucial to getting things back on track, we also needed to tackle a bigger issue: getting everyone involved in the theater to think and act like an owner.
This view is contrary to the aims of critical social research for a number of reasons.
Minimizing the number of processes running on your critical systems should be a standard part of the deployment process, but it's easy to overlook.
This code tests one of the most critical parts of my problem domain: getting factors for a number.
Maintaining functional documentation of how commands work becomes critical as the number of these commands increase.
But just as critical is the fact that a significant number of young men are faring rather badly in life, and are thus skewing the dating pool.
After you've decided the number of concurrent players to support, you can shift your attention to calculating the critical factor for the MMOG.
Large companies have key customers, of course, but their corporate success or failure is not as dependent on relationships with a small number of critical customers as a smaller firm's might be.
Craving and relapse are critical components of addiction, and we have been able to demonstrate these behaviors in sugar-bingeing rats in a number of ways.
DB2 provides a number of advantages to our customers, especially for larger enterprise accounts where performance is critical.
DB 2向我们的客户提供了几个优势,特别是对于性能很关键的大型客户。
For decisions you deem more critical and that you want to spend more time analyzing, limit the number of factors to analyze to only the few that truly matter.
The issue of user ID and password proliferation, coupled with the ever increasing number of applications with which end users must interact, has become a critical issue for many it shops.
This information is critical to parsing and validating a number in a localized format.
First, the number of confirmed cases is now much larger, which means there will be more critical patients and more reported deaths.
In subsequent releases of WebSphere Application Server, the number of hardening steps was significantly reduced and, more importantly, most of the steps that remain became less critical.
While many organizations have provided high availability systems on centralized e.g. mainframe platforms for some time, the number of critical applications now being deployed on distributed e.g.
虽然一直以来很多组织在集中式的系统(例如大型机)上提供高可用性,但是现在越来越多的关键性的应用程序被部署在分布式(例如unix, Windows)平台上。
The platform has gained a strong touchscreen keyboard, complete localization support, and a number of other critical features.
When performance is critical, it is best to limit the number of calls to the Rule Execution Server.
Expanding the number of compiled methods, as we mentioned above, has a footprint impact although the benefit to performance is usually more critical than the footprint increase.
IBM invited a number of brand name customers to the stage telling similar stories about implementing new business-critical processes across a variety of heterogenous it systems.
As a result, the program achieved significantly increased use and quality of a number of critical maternal and child health services.
Meanwhile, the aviation supply chain is a critical element of the industry, generating a significant number of exports and jobs.
What's more, if some asset in the AWS network also decides to kick the bucket, you can bet that your mission-critical messages won't be lost — they'll still exist on any number of other machines.
而且,如果AWS网络中的一些资产也决定被销毁,您可以确信您的任务关键型消息不会被丢失 —它们将继续存在于任意数量的其他机器上。
Memory leaks in enterprise applications cause a significant number of critical situations.
Unemployment is a critical issue, but even if we were to get a stonkingly strong payrolls number I would be pretty suspicious about it.
Since his death in 1994, Bukowski has been the subject of a number of critical articles and books about both his life and writings.
Before changing anything, it is critical to get a baseline performance number, because only a comparison to the baseline can definitively show that the system is faster or slower.
These prototype results are used to answer some critical architecture questions before the design and development happens in a large number of use-cases.
These prototype results are used to answer some critical architecture questions before the design and development happens in a large number of use-cases.