Love is a telephone which often has crossed lines.
Love is a telephone which often has crossed lines. And this usually happens to you unexpectedly.
Crossed lines do meet up at a point, but almost immediately, the lines would move forward in their separate ways.
Using Finit Ielement Method, a 3-D object was constructed by means of set of deformable edges elastic frame elements with twelve crossed lines.
In Figure 1 there are two lines that cross each other, and my general rule of thumb is that you should strive to minimize the number of crossed lines in your diagrams.
When I am forced to have crossed lines, I will notate it using the standard applied on electrical-wiring diagrams: one line is drawn "hopping over" another one, as in Figure 4.
Some lines shouldn't be crossed.
In 1995, when Gallup started asking the question, the split was 56-33 in favor of abortion rights. Now the lines have crossed, and 51% call themselves pro-life while only 42% say they are pro-choice.
Some lines should not be crossed, such as building face-recognition or real-time tracking technology into services such as Street View, he noted.
When Francis crossed enemy lines to reach the sultan's camp near the Nile during the summer of 1219, the sultan had every reason to dismiss a man who wanted to preach his enemy's faith.
Long, sweeping flow lines are crossed in places by much shorter lines, which are deep cracks in the ice called crevasses.
However, these processes were, in fact, only subprocesses, participating in a larger transaction that crossed multiple lines of business.
Several captured pirates interviewed in Boosaaso’s main jail said that they had recently crossed clan lines to open new, lucrative, multiclan franchises.
When David was told of this, he gathered all Israel and crossed the Jordan; he advanced against them and formed his battle lines opposite them.
Tehran sits where two tectonic plates clash and is criss-crossed by fault lines.
According to Pedercini, Apple's email informing him of Phone Story's removal claimed the game had crossed four specific lines, in the form of specific guidelines for unacceptable apps.
And sometimes lines are made to be crossed.
As the plane crossed state lines neither pilot realized the jet no longer was on the correct radio frequency and that controllers were growing worried about their failure to stay in contact.
Crossed CheckA check that has two lines across it to denote that it must be paid into a bank account.
Crossed check a check that has two lines across it to denote that it must be paid into a bank account.
I can not get through — the lines must be crossed.
But when he had crossed the lines he had trouble clambering up the other side.
We live or lives just like two parallel lines - never get crossed with each other.
Hybrid F1 from Indica crossed with Japoniac as well as Photoperiod and Temperature Sensitive Genic Male-Serile(PTGMS) rice lines were the hot materials used in anther culture in recent years.
His forehead, naturally high and crossed by deep parallel lines, now ran all the way up to his pointed crown.
His forehead, naturally high and crossed by deep parallel lines, now ran all the way up to his pointed crown.