In the below we summarise annual World steel Association crude steel production data.
Spot iron ore and coking coal prices hit their highest level in two years early this month as crude steel production surged.
For the remaining of the year, Kumba foresees a downward pressure on iron ore prices due to seasonally lower crude steel production in the second half of the year.
Japan's crude steel production increased 36 percent to 9.35 million metric tons in June, compared with a year earlier, the Japan Iron and steel Federation said July 20.
Baosteel Group Corporation (hereinafter as Baosteel) is the most competitive iron and steel conglomerate in China, whose crude steel production ranks the 3rd among the global steelmakers.
At present, China's crude steel production capacity has reached 600 million tons. the excess iron and steel industry is a fact, and the surplus situation in the short term there will be no mitigation.
In 1987, Anshan iron and steel Co. recorded the production of pig iron, crude steel and finished steel products. The comprehensive energy consumption per ton of crude steel is less than previous year.
In 1987, Anshan iron and steel Co. recorded the production of pig iron, crude steel and finished steel products. The comprehensive energy consumption per ton of crude steel is less than previous year.