Flower petal 5, the tip micro concave, the wild wild rose is a single-lobe, also has the double petals cultivated variety.
The contents of total acid, phenol, tannin, anthocyanin of wine of wild species were higher than those of cultivated variety.
The content and kind of soybean isoflavone in soybean and soybean products were influenced by the variety, cultivated environment and process conditions.
The most cultivated and likely the best grape variety is Shiraz, which originates from the French Rhone area.
Description: The chili pepper, a hotly pungent variety of Capsicum was first cultivated by the people of Central and South America in around 3000BC.
Engineering Department also has the experience of undertaking a variety of large projects which has cultivated a large number of excellent project managers and elites team.
The leaf blade hair character of 408 cultivated type dates and 5 wild type dates were investigated from adzuki bean variety sources of North China and overseas leaded varieties.
作者对我国北方小豆地方品种资源、国外引入品种资源中抽取的40 8份栽培型材料和5份野生型小豆系统材料的叶片茸毛性状进行了调查。
Developing a new variety that could be cultivated in the United States would reduce American dependence on foreign products while creating a new alternative crop for American farmers.
It is a newly thick pulp melon variety, with characteristics of vigorous growth, strongly resistant to disease, tolerant to low temperature and weak light, and it can be cultivated all the year.
It is a newly thick pulp melon variety, with characteristics of vigorous growth, strongly resistant to disease, tolerant to low temperature and weak light, and it can be cultivated all the year.