And even those with more flexible exchange rates worry that higher interest rates will send their currencies soaring.
For those emerging countries with largely market-determined currencies, such as Brazil and India, China's yuan peg has increased the burden on their economies by pushing their exchange rates higher.
This is how we value our currency, and against all other currencies exchange rates are freely floating.
As a result, the raw index did a poor job of predicting exchange rates: undervalued currencies remain too cheap and overvalued currencies remain too pricey.
All of this maneuvering to keep currencies from strengthening and economies growing is sparking international fears of a currency war: a round of competing measures to weaken exchange rates.
Currencies were readily interchangeable, gold anchored exchange rates and the physical supply of gold stabilized the money supply over the long term.
When all the currencies are pegged to gold, then of course their exchange rates with each other are stable and unchanging.
That December Japan and nine other countries agreed to let their currencies fluctuate against the dollar within a narrow range of exchange rates.
In those countries where gold standard is adopted, the exchange rates between the currencies are fixed and calculated by the rates respectively.
The method of quoting the prices or rates of exchange for different currencies takes one of two forms: the direct quotation method and the indirect quotation method.
If exchange rages are not so published for certain currencies, the tenderer shall state the rates used and the source.
The exchange rates for other foreign currencies were based on the rates of RMB against the US dollar and cross-exchange rates of other foreign currency on the international market.
Improve the international monetary system, improve the reserve currency issuing regulatory regime and maintain relative stability of exchange rates of major reserve currencies.
S. $20.67 and all other currencies were linked to the dollar in a system of fixed exchange rates.
In the early 1950s, Friedman revived the case for allowing foreign exchange rates to be determined by supply and demands for different currencies.
SR Technics aims to fix exchange rates on a quarterly basis and tries to balance receivable currency by paying in the same currency, thereby reducing the need to buy other currencies.
The discount or premium between the spot and forward rates for a forward foreign exchange transaction. It represents the interest-rate differential between the two currencies traded.
Otherwise, however, currencies swung against each other, sometimes wildly, as the economic and monetary turmoil of the 1970s combined with high and volatile oil prices to push exchange rates around.
Otherwise, however, currencies swung against each other, sometimes wildly, as the economic and monetary turmoil of the 1970s combined with high and volatile oil prices to push exchange rates around.