The design of the filter circuit, starting current check circuit and switching surge absorption-protection circuit in an auxiliary circuit of PFC is analyzed.
Check whether the development tools needed under Linux are available on your current platform (the compiler collection GCC and GNU make, to name the most important ones).
Otherwise, we check the current item.
I will add some code to check if the current connection supports GZIP.
Check whether current process flows have support for invoking human tasks, selectors, business rules and ESB.
If you're wondering if your current running shoes fit properly, check the location of your big toe.
If you really must get configuration information from the current directory, aggressively check all data from it.
A common way to check for changes is to store the state of an item and compare that it to its current state.
The form page can also contain a check box that allows the user to enable and disable the auto-saving feature for the current page (see Listing 15).
Check your Paperwork - Ensure that your passport is current and that you have any necessary visas for your trip in advance.
And the code that reads the file should check to make sure that the version number is less than or equal to its current version and throw an exception if it's not.
This event also contains a data validation check to see whether or not the selected date is prior to the current date.
The following examples use a couple of flags on the interface to retrieve its current state and check for loopback.
You can't check whether the current event entry is confirmed before you process some of the elements you want.
If you check under current assets on the balance sheet, you will find cash and cash equivalents (CCE or CC&E).
Then check to see whether the page counter is within the requested range of pages, and if so, write the current line; otherwise do not write.
The program needs to check and see if the current node is the NULL list.
Before you start adjusting any of the current Settings, check the two most common configuration parameters ASLHEAPSZ and QUERY_HEAP_SZ that are usually involved in a SQL1042 error.
在开始调整任何当前设置之前,检查两个常常导致SQL 1042错误的配置参数ASLHEAPSZ和QUERY_HEAP _ SZ。
System check shows current memory, required memory, space requirements, and whether operating system is at supported level.
To only get current rules for each run, check the Delete previous content check box in the properties of the target table operator.
Check that the current realm definition is set to Federated repositories.
If your prompt does not include your user id, then you can use the whoami command to check your current effective id.
This involves altering the behavior of the links labeled log in and check out as guest so that they load their targets via Ajax inside the current TAB.
这包括更改标签为log in和checkoutasguest的两个链接的行为,以便它们通过Ajax在当前选项卡中加载它们的目标页面。
For problems encountered while a data collection is running, check the Current Status TAB to see what the script was doing and any problems it might have encountered.
Note that this will check out the current release (in other words, the latest release) of ActiveScaffold.
For example, to get the value of a specific metric element, such as the current value of the monitored metric, we have to check each metric element until we find the one with the right name attribute.
In this example, you'd check to see that the current working directory is the project directory.
To check the current setting, run the command ulimit -a.
若要检查当前设置,请运行命令ulimit- a。
Select the Clear Existing Historical Rates for Current Selections Before Copying check box to delete any values already registered for the selected actuality/period, currency codes and target company.
Check out the Alertbox section, a bi-weekly column about current issues on usability.