The key task during design time is to specify the data flow from the sources to the target — that is, how to restructure and merge source models into the target model.
Besides making the application flow, another major task in test automation is to validate various application data and messages on the terminal screen.
The task of modeling a process consists of defining the details of a business process flow and modeling all the data, resources, and other elements that the flow uses.
A map in Modeler is used when the output of one task has a different data type or business item than the next task in the flow.
Store task data in any of four managed scopes: request, flash, flow, and conversation; each with their own distinct semantics.
The task data flow graph(DFG) was partitioned into several sub-modules under hardware resource constraint.
At first we extend the expressive power of the task structure such that it can support data flow between tasks, and then we analyze and verify the soundness of the extended task structure.
Afterwards, we specified the key technologies on system analysis, real time data flow diagram analysis, task discompose, and so on.
Meanwhile, the new system introduces more standardized contract management and task flow as well as more rational application of information and data.
Meanwhile, the new system introduces more standardized contract management and task flow as well as more rational application of information and data.