During the creation of an OLAP model, a data log file makes a record at.
For example, if the data was written in CSV format, the log file could be imported into a spreadsheet.
A file system that spans two volumes is allocated for transaction log data.
Therefore, decreasing the database log file consumption and improving the speed of moving data.
Upon reconnecting to the database, the last log file to have data placed in it from the previous connections will be truncated to the size of the data in the file.
Due to the large amount of data in the audit log table, a single INSERT statement will usually fail because the data per transaction exceeds the log file size of the database system.
Using a single combined log file makes it somewhat simpler to collect and scan data for anomalies when something happens, and to manage the growth and rotation of logs files.
In this strategy, once the last primary log file is filled in the log directory, new transactions will be written to the first log file thereby overwriting existing log data.
The compressed data is kept both on disk and memory and DB2 also compresses user data stored in log files, thereby reducing log file size.
Each entry in the log file is a single line that begins with a 13-digit time stamp and contains comma-separated data.
A file system that spanned two volumes was allocated for transaction log data.
The secondary keeps data for each log file in a separate staging file.
A file system, which spans two volumes, is allocated for transaction log data.
When using circular logging log file extents are reused once they no longer contain active log data.
Give the argument passed in the method the scenario name for which the data will be captured in log file.
Listing 2: Sample code to collect data from the log file.
The data and log file systems are created by default under /db2fs.
数据和日志文件系统默认情况下是创建在 /db2fs 上的。
If there is no error reported in the log file, the exported data can be transferred to the freshly installed IBM Systems Director V6.1 Management Server using any standard copy program such as FTP.
If you need to analyze a compressed Apache log file, for instance, you must decompress it, process the data, then re-compress it.
A log file containing only events between "13:00:00.000-13:59:59.999" is inherently organized in a way useful for humans, whereas a log file containing exactly 100mb of data is not.
一个仅包含“13:00:00 . 000 -”之间的事件的日志文件本质上是按对人有用的方式来组织的,而一个正好包含100MB数据的日志文件则不是的。
This relates the data in the ErrorDetails file to the scenario, because the entries in the log file are preceded by the scenario name.
HSQLDB keeps all table and index data in memory, saving all SQL statements issued into a file named database.script, which also ACTS as the transaction log.
HSQLDB将所有表和索引数据放在内存中,将所有发出的sql语句保存到一个名为database .script的文件中,该文件同时也充当着事务日志的角色。
In the event of a crash, an NSD log file will automatically be generated by the Domino server and stored in the data \ IBM_TECHNICAL_SUPPORT directory.
在发生崩溃时,Domino服务器将自动生成一个NSD日志文件,并存储在data \ IBM_TECHNICAL_SUPPORT目录中。
Purify replaces these symbols by meaningful expansions and computes a unique file name for saving data. For example, you can put the program name and process ID in the name of log file.
The application version should be contained somewhere: in meta-data, in a diagnosis page, in the log file, to make sure one can tell what version of the program he is looking at.
These properties can be the name of a data source to connect to or the location of a log file.
Used for internal data structure synchronization within a backup operation, such as database, log, or file backup.
Apple doesn't specifically note the "consolidated.db" file in the letter, but the letter explains how and why Apple keeps such a detailed log of location data from mobile devices.
苹果公司的这份声明中没有特意提到“consolidated . db”文件,但解释了苹果公司是如何以及为什么在移动设备上保留定位信息的记录。
After building the above code into an exe file and running it from a command line, a log file, called QuickMonitor.log is created, and will contain data similar to the following.
在把上面的代码构建成exe文件并且从命令行运行它之后,就创建了称为QuickMonitor . log的日志文件,并且将包含类似于下面这样的数据。
After building the above code into an exe file and running it from a command line, a log file, called QuickMonitor.log is created, and will contain data similar to the following.
在把上面的代码构建成exe文件并且从命令行运行它之后,就创建了称为QuickMonitor . log的日志文件,并且将包含类似于下面这样的数据。