The design and development of data migration tool is completed by applying database principles and advanced information technologies.
Using the migration tool in version 2.0.1, you were able to accomplish this task to some extent; for example, you could migrate some configuration and all data files.
The latest migration tool, which is based on XSLT technology, provides a simple and effective way to migrate all necessary configurations and data files.
In the context of a migration project it is clearly the result that counts — i.e., to get the data moved to the target tool.
This usually boils down to calling the migration tool with the relevant parameters and feeding it the pre-processed source data.
The sectoldif command is a migration tool provided with AIX for migrating local security data to LDAP.
Finally, InfoSphere Optim High Performance Unload provides a rapid data extraction tool that can significantly reduce restoration and migration times for large volumes of data.
最后,InfoSphereOptim HighPerformance Unload提供了一个快速提取数据的工具,可以大大减少大容量数据的还原和迁移时间。
IBM Migration Toolkit: Learn more about or get this easy-to-use tool that allows you to migrate your data from a wide variety of source databases to either DB2 or Informix, regardless of platform.
IBMMigration Toolkit:深入了解并获取这个简便易用的工具,该工具用于将您的数据从广泛的源数据库迁移到DB 2或Informix—无论使用什么平台。
The focus will be on rich text format and Word document format and understand the tool terminologies, how data migration takes place and how the migration operation works.
If the migration tool successfully completed the import of the data into the new server, the message migration tool processing completed. will be displayed.
如果Migration tool成功地把数据导入了新服务器,会显示消息Migration toolprocessing completed。
Seismic migration is a main tool to improve horizontal resolution of the deep seismic reflection data.
Seismic migration is a main tool to improve horizontal resolution of the deep seismic reflection data.