POSIX semantics in a few key areas has been traded to increase data throughput rates.
RS can expand the network coverage, increase data throughput and reduce network operating costs.
IBM Information Server leverages the pipeline and partition technologies to support high data throughput.
On the other hand, you might have several small LPARs that do not require a large amount of data throughput.
The selection and implementation of algorithm will have great influence on data throughput of the ASIC.
By means of the bit length factor, the simple data throughput models of the Token Bus and Ring are derived.
Reasons why the data throughput rate can be slower than the theoretical maximum when backing up to tape media.
The IBM InfoSphere Information Server leverages the pipeline and partition technologies to support high data throughput.
IBMInfoSphere InformationServer 将利用管道和分区技术来支持高数据吞吐量。
This new bus topology ensures very fast data throughput and can be used for graphic applications and image processing.
The result shows that RSA processor based on CRT is of great value for it's large data throughput and moderate die area.
Data throughput is different in different circumstances and networks and the requirement of network latency also changes.
The DS8700 is designed to support the most demanding business applications with its superior data throughput and a design for continuous data availability.
DS8700 旨在用其优良的数据吞吐量以及面向数据持续可用性的设计支持要求最高的业务应用程序。
Qualities of Service (QoS) : This can include goals for the information availability, performance, data throughput, and consistency or accuracy of the data.
服务质量(Qualitiesof Service,QoS):它包括了实现信息的可用性、性能、数据吞吐量以及数据的一致性或者正确性。
The data throughput achieved by ASIC will become one of the critical targets to weigh the performance of network protection equipment under such strategy.
Under certain fairness criteria, the closer the data throughput cumulative distribution functions to the fairness criteria, the higher the data throughput.
Experi - mental results show that the platform can support different cipher operations effectively with lower power dissipation and higher data throughput.
With the increasing demand for large data throughput and the requirement of lower system power consumption, the embedded memory demand is increasing rapidly.
FTP Server want to be a higher memory, Data throughput, concurrent access and concurrent operation affect important factors and bottlenecks of FTP's Service.
The first version of the cable will have a data throughput of 100 megabits a second, the "Fast Ethernet" standard that is now common on low- and mid-range computers.
According to ATA protocol, PHES used hardware encryption method in FPGA to achieve the transparent data encryption and high data throughput rate by pipeline operation.
Each CUDA-capable GPU node includes local DDR3 SDRAM as well as a 16-lane PCI Express? gen2 interface to the system backplane, providing maximum data throughput direct to GPU memory.
Theoretical analysis results show this scheme can increase the probability of neighbor discovery and the data throughput of the network through the introduction of asynchrony scan frames.
In fact, in order to realize image data real-time collecting and rapid storage, uniting PCI bus and SCSI bus which make system hold high speed data throughput provides sufficiency observation data.
在实际的工作中,把PC I局部总线和SCSI系统总线结合起来,使整个系统拥有高速的数据吞吐量,以期实现图象数据的实时采集和快速存储,为实时处理和事后分析工作提供充分的观测数据。
Data collected in other environments will show that total throughput in this environment suffered as well.
It provides massive throughput of data through the transformations in typical batch processing operations.
Throughput, CPU utilization, and overall scaling suffer as is indicated by the data collected in this and the previous environment.
CEP offers a high throughput and low latency solution for processing large amounts of monitoring data.
Receive and transmit throughput information can help you understand the amount of data being processed by the device.
Receive and transmit throughput information can help you understand the amount of data being processed by the device.