Data type specification: the ability to tell the UI to display the data at a given address as a specific data type - for example, this address represents the start of a null-terminated string.
Consistency across these expressions of data type is critical and is driven through the specification of a canonical data model.
Many other specifications have used the WXS Datatypes specification, although there have been calls to develop alternative data type systems.
This is because the XPath runtime engine in Message Broker 6.1 (inline with the W3C XPath specification) doesn't support the concept of a NULL data type.
这是因为MessageBroker 6.1(符合W3CXPath规范)中的XPath运行时引擎不支持NULL数据类型的概念。
The data-flow specification is a specific type of metadata.
Follow warehouse work flow strictly. Check quantity, specification, type when receiving raw material or finished good. Check if suppliers' shipping information consistent with purchasing data.
Follow warehouse work flow strictly. Check quantity, specification, type when receiving raw material or finished good. Check if suppliers' shipping information consistent with purchasing data.