Also, performing all CMP operations in a session bean shields the Web application from having to know any of the implementation details of the database access layer.
For quick prototyping efforts it is acceptable to combine the database access in the view layer, compromising the strict separation of data from view.
If access to the source database is unreliable, striving for resiliency in the cache layer might improve overall stability for read-intensive applications.
Finally, the data access layer is a persistent data store, such as a database or file storage.
The data access layer provides a semantic data store, a user profile, and the rules database.
The Business Layer does not have any direct communication with the database - this is all handled by the Data Access Layer.
PHP's database accesses are done using PEAR: : DB, a handy database abstraction layer that allows the same database-access code to be used regardless of what database is implemented.
As illustrated in Figure 16, this object passes the necessary data to the BLL, which then requests the data Access Layer to save the data to MySQL database.
To configure the data layer and the tools that access the database for your application.
It's a distributed memory caching system which Facebook (and a ton of other sites) use as a caching layer between the web servers and MySQL servers (since database access is relatively slow).
The theoretical research of the dependable database concentrates on the multi-layer safe database, access controlling, database encoding, channel control and so on.
The system structure is a multilayer system structure with five layers. They are user interactive layer, system program interface layer, mining core service layer, data access layer, database layer.
Once database schema is changed, user only re-generates the data access layer easily.
If you change the database structure, you need to accordingly change the data access layer, view layer.
A visualization information database is designed to solve the heterogeneity problem, providing a unified access to the data layer for the logic layer.
PDO provides a data-access abstraction layer, which means that, regardless of which database you're using, you use the same functions to issue queries and fetch data.
PDO provides a data-access abstraction layer, which means that, regardless of which database you're using, you use the same functions to issue queries and fetch data.