Design and construction: Completion of, and changes to, business, design, and database models; code development.
Good network design and smart database construction can alleviate lag time and slow queries, and you can turn to your friendly neighborhood specialist for assistance, if necessary.
In the construction of industrial control configurable software for greenhouse agriculture production detection and control process, design of real-time database system is introduced.
Database design is crucial to effectively implement a relational database. In this course we discuss how to model data, database construction, and developing a database in a business environment.
The database composing, the construction principle, the logic design, physical structure design, the original data design, the data warehouse design and the security maintenance were completed.
This thesis makes a primary study on the construction of auction website through tools development, database design and front-and-back office management.
In addition, the paper studies the design and construction of GIS database for rural power system planning and software method of rural power system planning based on GIS.
That system aims at the construction form of Long and Big freight car, can realize scheme design, total composition, parts design, Stock-limits examination and engineering database management.
The methods have been used successfully in this study, which will provide reference for design and construction of multi-source remote sensing image database.
This article discusses the needs analysis, database structure design and system module construction of the system.
In chapter 3, the design of database system for a network school system is introduced, including its task, function, construction feature, model and compression algorithm.
With emphasis on MIS design, this paper stresses the datasheet construction thereof. Attribute data are contained in each modules of the database.
The results were helpful to the construction of the thermodynamic database for zirconium alloys, and might provide a significant guide for the alloy design of new type Zr based materials.
This text mainly elaborates the case a database of the software engineering course design management system in the construction process of the case example.
This text mainly elaborates the case a database of the software engineering course design management system in the construction process of the case example.