There are also auditing improvements that allow for the replay of past database activities.
Before you run a physical consistency check of a database, you must temporarily suspend all transaction log replay for the storage group that contains the database to be verified.
Replay causes the Coordinator to resend the last protocol message to Database-1, which lets Database-1 deduce the transaction state -- and then apply the appropriate recovery rule.
Replay 引起协调器把最后的协议消息重发给Database-1,这使得 Database-1推断事务状态--然后应用合适的恢复规则。
Replay causes the Coordinator to resend the last protocol message to Database-1, which lets Database-1 deduce the transaction state -- and then apply the appropriate recovery rule.
Replay 引起协调器把最后的协议消息重发给Database-1,这使得 Database-1推断事务状态--然后应用合适的恢复规则。