Some may simply go to sleep early, so they can be energized for an early New Year's Day hike—perhaps while wearing underwear that suits their mood, and wishes for the New Year.
For the more adventurous, we offer rewards beyond mere sightseeing—from a three-day hike across the Grand Canyon to a ride along China's Yangtze River.
Camper: Can you recommend a short day hike in this area?
Camping foods are always more delicious, especially after a long day hike.
They set out on a two-day hike and are stalked by an unrelenting grizzly bear.
The railway involves a natural monopoly: the only other way of getting to the ruins is a four-day hike along the Inca Trail.
Escape the sweltering summer heat and bustle of Beijing on a relaxing day hike by the cool riverside and lulling waterfalls of Wangquan Valley.
Two estranged brothers reunite at their childhood home in the Alaskan wild. They set out on a two-day hike and are stalked by an unrelenting grizzly bear.
But hiking can be a simple (and cheap) way to get out and have a great day. Here's what we would call the bare minimum for a safe day hike of 5 miles or less on a sunny summer day.
Brilliant day for a hike on the arctic tundra, surprisingly alive with flora, as well as reindeer and arctic fox.
The other item you always feel is your day pack, so I am very lucky to have an assortment of Salomon packs that fit great and allow me to run and hike in comfort.
Afterwards we hike through the woods. Kyla has her bear spray, which according to my book is a useful deterrent, though on a windy day 'may disable the user'.
If you are not religious you can spend time with your family, read all day, go on a hike, goof off, try new recipes or enjoy any other hobby.
Then there was a surprise interest rate hike on Christmas Day.
On average, I will have to hike two extra hours each day.
Even 1 Soda a Day Can Hike Your Diabetes risk.
This time I will have to hike and run eight more miles each day.
On this day, the stamp duty hike policy introduced.
Following the long hike you can drink a hot chocolate, enjoy some food (not thebest quality though) and take a good rest for the next day.
We did 6 miles on our hike every day.
One day, out for a hike in Los Angeles with a friend, we crossed paths with a film crew shooting a reality show.
Ancient people thought climbing a mountain on this day could help them avoid misfortune and prevent disasters, and it gradually evolved into a custom for relaxation, hike and exercise.
古人认为,九九重阳,登高可以避祸免灾。 后来,重阳节登高爬山,逐渐演变成了人们放松心情、锻炼身体的体育和旅游活动。
Join Culture Yard on a one day escape from the city. Hike the wild great wall, eat in a local farmhouse and see pagodas dated from the 15th century.
One organization says the tax hike could turn the state into a modern-day Gotham City, where cackling criminals in back alleys rule the day, much to the dismay of local law enforcement.
One organization says the tax hike could turn the state into a modern-day Gotham City, where cackling criminals in back alleys rule the day, much to the dismay of local law enforcement.