Performing de novo sequencing without knowing amino acid masses is very novel.
It was demonstrated that the increase is due to de novo synthesis of fresh enzyme.
Because Schinzel-Giedion was already thought to be caused by a DE novo, dominant mutation, narrowing down the list of candidate genes was slightly different than for inherited, recessive disorders.
由于Schinzel - Giedion早已被认为是由新生显性突变引起的,因此缩小候选基因的列表就与隐性遗传疾病略有不同。
In the end, the researchers obtained 40x genome coverage and generated a high-quality draft assembly using the 454 GS De Novo Assembler Software (Newbler).
最终,研究人员获得40倍的基因组的覆盖面和运用 454GS 的De Novo序列拼接软件(Newbler)绘制出了高质量的草图。
In the end, the researchers obtained 40x genome coverage and generated a high-quality draft assembly using the 454 GS De Novo Assembler Software (Newbler).
最终,研究人员获得40倍的基因组的覆盖面和运用 454GS 的De Novo序列拼接软件(Newbler)绘制出了高质量的草图。