The storm burst upon us with a deafening roar.
There was a sudden, deafening roar from somewhere nearby.
The deafening roar of hundreds of thousands of people fills the Chicago night.
HUGE DINOSAUR FOOT steps down hard and is VAPORIZED with a deafening ROAR.
Maybe it's deafening roar made them, perhaps it's the courage to inspire them, perhaps it's desperate to scare them, perhaps …
Just at that moment, I heard a rumble in the stadium that became a pounding roar and then turned into a deafening applause.
我也意识到,我将奥运火炬高高举过了头顶,我的双手颤抖了。 就在那一刻,我听到了体育场内沸腾了,震耳欲聋的欢呼,然后是排山倒海的掌声。
Just at that moment, I heard a rumble in the stadium that became a pounding roar and then turned into a deafening applause.
我也意识到,我将奥运火炬高高举过了头顶,我的双手颤抖了。 就在那一刻,我听到了体育场内沸腾了,震耳欲聋的欢呼,然后是排山倒海的掌声。