Qing Ming is a time to remember the dead and the dearly departed.
Once a couple of celebrities die, there is great pressure to elevate another dearly departed to the pantheon.
He claims that the new technology realizes his longtime dream of preserving realistic memories of the dearly departed for the living.
But only a minority will find as much consolation in quantum physics as in the prospect of reuniting with their dearly departed in heaven.
Funerals are also becoming a financial burden for many families across the nation, as they seek to provide eternal sanctuary for their dearly departed loved ones.
People in nearly every culture have long believed that communication with the dead is possible, and throughout the ages many people have claimed to be able to speak with the dearly departed.
People in nearly every culture have long believed that communication with the dead is possible, and throughout the ages many people have claimed to be able to speak with the dearly departed.