On average the companies on our list have a 13% debt-to-equity ratio.
Many firms will see their debt-to-equity ratio rise and their ability to borrow fall.
But as we've just learned in this crisis, a low debt-to-equity ratio doesn't offer any protection against a bank making a bad loan.
In fact, a lower debt-to-equity ratio could actually lead a bank to take on more risks in order to make up for the loss of leverage.
Responses also might include measures of financial viability, such as liquidity, debt-to-equity ratio, days cash on hand, asset utilization, and cash flow.
Banks such as JPMorgan Chase, which face more-stringent regulation (relatively) than investment Banks, such as the pre-2008 Goldman Sachs, have a debt-to-equity ratio of 13-to-1 or so.
Take a bank that replaced long-term debt with equity in order to raise its ratio of equity to risk-adjusted assets from 10% to 15%.
That would mean that companies should try to push their debt-equity ratio up as high as possible given that theory.
The ratio to scale the debt level. It equals the long debt divide stockholder equity.
The theory of corporate capital structure deals with the determination of the ratio among equity capital, stock and debt to maximize corporate market value.
This ratio shows the proportion of equity and debt the company is using to finance its assets;
We find that some information items are highly concerned by the bank lenders, such as long-term debt, short-term debt, core operating income, debt to equity ratio, current ratio and…
我们发现,银行对长短期借款、主营业务收入、资产负债率、流动比率和速动比率等财务信息高度重视, 对有助于进一步判别企业潜在风险的报表附注信息也比较重视。
We find that some information items are highly concerned by the bank lenders, such as long-term debt, short-term debt, core operating income, debt to equity ratio, current ratio and…
我们发现,银行对长短期借款、主营业务收入、资产负债率、流动比率和速动比率等财务信息高度重视, 对有助于进一步判别企业潜在风险的报表附注信息也比较重视。