Morality can be fun: When we decide not to do things that we could do, it makes them sacred and exciting.
So, when we're about to save somebody's life, should we decide not to do that on the grounds that it must be God's will that they're going to die?
If you decide not to do this, the Process Choreographer engine will use the parts of the input and the output message of the forward service as input for the compensation service.
I do not arrogate to myself the right to decide.
If there is a fire, you might not have much time to decide what to do.
The first thing every bank will do is study how much money I have and how much debt I have before they decide whether or not to lend me any more money.
How do you decide when to listen to your advisors and when to not?
Glee star Matthew Morrison has confessed he hopes show producers do not decide to dedicate an episode of the hit US TV show to Britney Spears.
Whatever you decide, it needs to be what you want, not what someone else wants you to do.
If you are not, decide what you need to do differently.
You do not need to enable logging, but here, I demonstrate which configuration and JAR files you need in the classpath should you decide to use it.
Unless it is a small project, one should not attempt to build and release the whole project in one step, but rather decide what is the most important and do that first.
The question was, how do you decide when to listen to your advisors and when not.
This means you must decide what qualities are important to you, because you cannot receive what you do not give.
You might not know exactly what you want to do with your life, but transferable skills will serve you well no matter what future path you decide to pursue.
Wardrobes do not make or break cases, they said, but Mr. Jackson's choices are an important piece of the image projected to the judge and jury who will decide his fate.
We may decide to eat more healthily, to get more exercise, not to bite our nails, to spend more time with our families, or really anything and everything that we feel we don't do, or don't do enough.
The lawyer's job is to do the best she can, not to decide on the outcome.
In other cases, you may not want to let the user decide what to do next, so they do not just "cherry pick" the easiest tasks.
If you do not decide that your success is important, you do not devote enough effort to achieve your goals.
This could help you decide which features to implement in early iterations to ensure that you do not leave out important functionality and that you mitigate risk early in the project.
The World Food Programme is holding crisis talks to decide what aid to halt if new donations do not arrive in the short term.
When you notice a negative or non-affirming thought in your head consciously decide to change it. Do not worry if at first you do not believe your new positive thought as overtime that will change.
This schema is too restrictive, so you decide to explore how to store this data in XML, but do not want to migrate the existing database to UTF-8.
这个模式有太多的限制,所以您决定探索如何以xml的形式存储数据,但是又不想将现有的数据库迁移至utf - 8。
For example, you can proceed to develop a vaccine, but you do not simultaneously need to decide whether to proceed with immunization, what its scope will be and who priority recipients will be.
I'm not sure how many of us would decide the last thing we wanted to do with our remaining years is to spend it in college.
Note: They do not need to decide upon a partnership in 14 days, merely indicate interest.
When teams are given the freedom to decide every issue, they often make decisions which do not reflect the overall organizational strategy.
When teams are given the freedom to decide every issue, they often make decisions which do not reflect the overall organizational strategy.