I believe that deciding to live was the right decision.
They fell in love, deciding to live together off board.
If you're drifting through life, or feel out of control, or don't know how you got here... deciding to live consciously could be the single most important thing you do.
People should think over the possible risks before deciding where to live.
Figuring out what your priorities are is the first and most fundamental step before deciding where to live.
Not deciding to move to an island or Third World country to live as an ascetic priestess - I like urban cities, and I enjoy having stuff.
Similarly, when deciding where to live relative to your workplace, you care more about how long it takes to get to work in the morning than you do how many miles away it is.
Deciding that you want to study abroad is easy; on the other hand, choosing which country you want to live in can be very difficult.
I am still deciding how to live my life.
Cancer, one of the prime killers, has such a strong psychological basis that it can literally be cured by the affected person simply deciding they want to live rather than die.
Unless there is a strong preference for a particular home or location, there are difficult tradeoffs to make in deciding whether to live on the lake or in the woods.
Above all, we should avoid deciding what we think about people different from ourselves without first having learned a great deal about them and the kind of lives they have to live.
Using his name on the pretext of deciding who's allowed to live…
There is a part of me that feels, after having seen so many dysfunctional and incompatible relationships over the years, all couples should live together before deciding to get married.
There is a part of me that feels, after having seen so many dysfunctional and incompatible relationships over the years, all couples should live together before deciding to get married.