I immediately filed for a declaratory judgment.
However the apa declaratory order practice has some significant limitations.
The key requirement is that Hamas be judged by its deeds rather than its declaratory words.
It is more accommodating to China's context to adopt the declaratory judgment than the rule of the public figure.
The second chapter is entitled "Study on Declaratory Actions Filed against the Procedure of Setting up Limited Liability Funds of Maritime Claims".
In other cases the remedies under this part shall apply or where these remedies are inconsistent with a member's law declaratory judgments and adequate compensation shall be available.
Order" means the whole or a part of a final disposition whether affirmative negative injunctive or declaratory in form of an agency in a matter other than rule making but including licensing;"
As to administrative situation, the main purpose of declaratory judgment is to provide a precondition for compensation and remedy psychology injury of the private party as adequate as possible.
As to administrative situation, the main purpose of declaratory judgment is to provide a precondition for compensation and remedy psychology injury of the private party as adequate as possible.