These fish and snails have themselves experienced a decline in population because of overfishing by humans.
Secondly, the marriage age in the West is rising, which contributes to the decline in population there.
Australia's koalas could be wiped out within 30 years unless urgent action is taken to halt a decline in population, according to researchers.
The dynamics vary significantly by region, with some regions, notably Europe, facing the prospects of a rapid decline in population and labor force.
The tragedy is that many of these programmes are now threatened by the current catastrophic decline in population of the chimpanzee across Africa.
The ISTP team's research demonstrates that the population and job density of cities rose or remained constant in the 1980s after decades of decline.
That should help us determine how to prevent further decline in the population.
With a decline in starfish predators, the starfish population can increase.
The question of whether the decrease in plant fecundity caused by the spraying of pesticides actually causes a decline in the overall population of flowering plant species still remains unanswered.
In the following sections, we verify our hypothesis and evaluate the role of climate change on war outbreak and population decline with empirical data at global and continental scales.
What matters most for Japan’s economic growth prospects is the decline in its working-age population, those aged 15-64, which has been shrinking since 1996.
对日本经济增长前景最重要的影响因素是其工作年龄人口数量的下降。 工作年龄人口是指15~64岁间的人,自1996年以来一直在下降。
In some case, non-native species of oysters are introduced after a population decline, and they bring with them diseases that further kill off the native oysters.
In a given area, the worst will usually be over in four to six weeks as the virus rushes through a susceptible population, cases peak and infections decline with equal speed.
Overall "we estimated the decline in this pig-nosed turtle population to be more than 50% since 1981," said Professor Eisemberg.
Businesses needed to bring more old people and women into jobs, to counter the decline in the working-age population.
In 2008, the estimated per capita TB incidence was stable or falling in all six WHO regions. However, the slow decline in incidence rates per capita is offset by population growth.
It was the first country in the world to experience long-term population decline, starting in the late 18th century.
This deepens Russia's demographic decline, in which the population of 142m has been shrinking by up to 700,000 a year.
In 1998, the labor force started to shrink, and a decade later, the country's population began to decline.
Beginning in 2004 the percentage of the world's population that became ill with TB in a given year flattened and then began a slow decline.
Thus, large Numbers of coin hoards are a good quantitative indicator of population decline, two researchers argue in in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science Monday.
The lack of data on bee health has been a hurdle in identifying the causes of the population decline, the Commission has said.
After decades of emigration and decline, Poland's Jewish population is growing again, as children sheltered in secret by gentile families during the war rediscover their roots.
As birth rates decline, the proportion of children shrinks and the working-age population bulges, as is happening now in Africa. That can kick-start industrialisation.
The relatively recent popularity of cell phones and portable electronics has also played a part in the decline of the gorilla population.
In developed areas, neither does the number of population decline nor inclines drastically.
Given present trends, total population will likely decline from around 130 million to under 90 million in 50 years or so.
They were declared a vulnerable species in 2006 when the population was estimated to be between 125, 000 to 150, 000, a decline of 7% in 10 years.
They were declared a vulnerable species in 2006 when the population was estimated to be between 125, 000 to 150, 000, a decline of 7% in 10 years.