Color concrete brick is a novel decorative brick, which is made by dealed efflorescent sand and ground. stone with color HEC consolation (C-HEC) and special producer equipment.
彩色混凝土路面砖是利用彩色HEC固化剂(C -HEC)和专用生产设备处理风化砂、碎石屑制作新型装饰路面砖。
Color concrete brick is a novel decorative brick, which is made by dealed efflorescent sand and ground. stone with color HEC consolation (C-HEC) and special producer equipment.
彩色混凝土路面砖是利用彩色HEC固化剂(C -HEC)和专用生产设备处理风化砂、碎石屑制作新型装饰路面砖。