By leaving out the updated of the model parameter, the computational complexity of the algorithm is decreased to some extent.
Hydrocarbon emission and fuel consumption are decreased to some extent, but the values are still high comparing to four-stroke engine.
The vitalities and reproductivities of methomyl and endosulfan resistant populations decreased to some extent with the increase of resistant level.
Results showed that the treated cotton fabric had good flame retardancy and durability, but its whiteness and tensile strength decreased to some extent.
The results showed that after the deformation of unrecrystallized austenite and quenching, martensite block width decreased and bent, while the packet size increased to some extent.
The results demonstrated that the value of each hydraulic variable decreased after the Three Gorge Dam constrution to some extent, which would probably affected the Chinese sturgeon propagation.
The results demonstrated that the value of each hydraulic variable decreased after the Three Gorge Dam constrution to some extent, which would probably affected the Chinese sturgeon propagation.