What I might deem as terribly smelly code could be the finest piece of work someone else has ever written.
The interest graphs are built through various mechanisms: by following people whom you deem as experts, through your likes and shares, etc.
"This man, " said he, at one such moment, to himself, "pure as they deem him- all spiritual as he seems- hath inherited a strong animal nature from his father or his mother.
You might even deem it as extreme.
Quite controversial if you're a certified nutritionist. You might even deem it as extreme. But to get extreme results. Extreme measures must be taken.
We deem the September 19 Joint Statement as the most important outcome of the Six-Party Talks which pools the painstaking effort and wisdom of all six parties. It is hard earned and worth cherishing.
As individuals we fervently Sue anyone and anything we deem depriving us of that equality and respect.
Meanwhile, Sheila Watson, a spokeswoman for Hewlett Packard, said that “while we don’t deem laptop cooling pads as necessary, some users may like to use them from a comfort perspective.”
Both the author and contributor elements are fully extensible, allowing content producers to provide as much detail about the author or contributor as they deem appropriate.
If you discover any new patterns and objects that you deem worthy of inclusion in the foundation architectures, you can propose them as foundation architecture candidates.
The US is relying on new powers given to regulators to seize and break up institutions that they deem to be in trouble, as well as insisting on Banks preparing their own "living wills".
Remember, we still offer many great-looking, purchasable things—such as our Extra Crispy legs and wings—and we invite everyone to come on down and obtain them for whatever use they deem appropriate.
We wish you to proceed as you deem proper.
Then string your necklaces, bracelets, anklets or earrings as you deem beautiful.
While many conservative people deem it vulgar, I personally think that the sensationalizing is acceptable so long as it is not maliciously intended.
I give my consent for your department to obtain and verify information from or with any source as you deem appropriate for the assessment of my application for immigration facilities.
They follow him everywhere in whatever way and would condem anything they deem injustice towards their idol. I suspect they should be categorised as groupie than sports fans.
You should tell yourself that failure is inevitable in one's life and you should adjust your mood and deem it as a chance to gain experience.
Chinese businessmen have been building high rises in America. They deem it necessary to rely on feng shui experts, just as they would at home.
For a long time MEN Hao-ran has always been regarded as an eremitic poet, but in recent years some scholars deem that MEN Hao-ran had a strong mind of being an official.
Traditional linguistics treats metaphor as an instrument of verbal embellishment whereas the modern studies of metaphor deem it as a means to understand and experience one thing through another.
If a credit contains a condition without stipulating the document to indicate compliance with the condition, Banks will deem such condition as not stated and will disregard it.
In particular, but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, to execute in our name and on our behalf (with all such amendments thereto as he shall deem necessary or desirable).
An online survey indicates that only 6.5 percent of respondents deem experts trustworthy as authorities, China Youth Daily reported Friday.
An online survey indicates that only 6.5 percent of respondents deem experts trustworthy as authorities, China Youth Daily reported Friday.