A new adjustable way was developed first time which use cluster well to decrease drilling cost and increase benefit in deep imbedded, low permeability, high pressure reservoir.
Reservoir rocks are characterized with low porosity and permeability, due to weak karstification and deep burial.
The main characteristics of Gunan 131 fault block oil reservoir in Gudao oilfield are deep burial, low permeability, difficult water injection, low recovery percent and low recovery efficiency.
Zhongyuan oil field is a complex fault block sandstone reservoir, which has deep oil reservoir rock, low permeability and serious heterogeneity.
The deep gas reservoir in Dongpu sag has features of deep, fine lithology, tight, thin, low porosity and low permeability.
Anpeng deep layer series is a clastic reservoir with low porosity, low permeability and fracture growth, where fractures are the main hydrocarbon migration channel and storage space.
So, according to the geologic characteristics of Baimiao condensate reservoir with deep burial and low permeability, a new development model with complex well configuration is proposed.
Gas reservoir in Xujiahe Section 2 in west Sichuan are low porosity, low permeability, deep, high formation pore and fracture pressure, etc.
Due to deep reservoir bed, Anpeng Oilfield is a typical sand oil and gas reservoir with high temperature, high pressure, low porosity and poor permeability.
Due to deep reservoir bed, Anpeng Oilfield is a typical sand oil and gas reservoir with high temperature, high pressure, low porosity and poor permeability.