Chibi made very special sound deep down in his throat to imitate a crow in an old tree in the end.
Howell laughed deep within his throat and shucked off his paisley tie.
It cut deep: the edge of the blade reached to the back of his throat.
More than once, he had cleared his throat, and drawn in the long, deep, and tremulous breath, which, when sent forth again, would come burdened with the black secret of his soul.
However, standard swab tests have proved unreliable in severe cases, says Kumar, possibly because the viral infection is deep in the lungs rather than in the throat.
Take a little deep breath and say it by step by step, if you think you're going to stutter then make a distraction instead such as clearing your throat.
如果你觉得快要结巴了,试着分散注意力,清一清嗓门或是其他。 所有你要做的只是缓一下,放慢速度,镇定镇定,一步一步地展开,然后慢慢地按照你的意愿加快速度。
Viserion hissed again. Smoke rose between his teeth, and deep down in his throat they could see gold fire churning.
The dog watched intently, growling deep in his throat.
I have an uncomfortable feeling deep in my throat.
I have an uncomfortable feeling deep in the throat.
I have an uncomfortable feeling deep in the throat.