Manipulating the default namespace declaration.
The default namespace declaration, if any, then all other namespace declarations, in alphabetical order of the prefixes they define.
If the back end system that consumes this generated XML is not capable of handling such elements, the serializer can be configured to generate a default namespace declaration.
Method getPrefix() is a shorthand for getting the namespace attribute's local name (unless it is a default namespace declaration, in which case the prefix is an empty string rather than "xmlns").
方法getPrefix()是获得名称空间属性的本地名的快捷方式(除非是默认名称空间声明,这种情况下前缀是一个空字符串而非 “xmlns”)。
Attributes are not influenced by the declaration of a default namespace.
The elements are affected by the declaration of a URI for the default namespace.
对缺省名称空间的URI 进行声明会影响元素。
You can adapt the XML syntax that defines the prefix and URI mappings to provide what is termed a "Default" namespace declaration.
By default, elements with a local declaration are unqualified (they take no namespace prefix) in the XML document.
By default, elements with a local declaration are unqualified (they take no namespace prefix) in the XML document.