Of the three firms, AIG represents their best hope, even though its credit spreads are still at levels that suggest a real risk of default.
Investors who had assumed an almost equal risk of default among euro-zone countries are now relying on emerging-markets desks to help them understand the credit risks they are taking.
Credit derivatives, for example, allow investors to separate the risk of default from other risks, such as interest-rate movements.
The three big credit-rating agencies have overhauled their methods of assessing default risk in the American subprime-mortgage market in the past month.
The advent of these new investors may have been responsible for some wild swings in credit spreads (the excess yields paid by companies to reflect the risk of default).
新投资者的出现,部分导致了信用价差(Credit spreads)(公司为补偿违约风险而付出的额外收益)强烈震荡 。
Credit default swaps "didn't cause the problem, but they certainly exacerbated the financial crisis," said Leslie Rahl, President of Capital Market Risk Advisors, a consulting firm in New York.
信用违约互换“没有引起问题,但是他们确实恶化了金融危机。”纽约的一家咨询公司纽约咨询公司主管Leslie Rahl说。
For example, the Universal Credit programme is one of the first 'Digital by Default' services, using an Agile approach to reduce delivery risk and improve business outcomes.
The first is the explosion of credit derivatives, which protect buyers from the risk of default.
Another way of looking at credit risk is by comparing the LIBOR spread with the premiums charged on Banks' credit-default swaps (CDSs), which measure the risk of default.
So credit default swap can reduce the concentration degree of credit risk in the prerequisite of not influencing the relationship with customers, therefore avoid the credit risks effectively.
Credit default swaps, he points out, simply allow lenders to offload the risk of a default on a loan to someone else who, for a price, is willing to take on this risk.
In recent weeks there has been a rise in both LIBOR (a gauge of Banks' borrowing costs) and the credit-default-swap spreads on bank bonds (the cost of insuring against default risk).
How to construct the credit risk model of default probability model?
Reducing risk: Sophisticated credit scoring systems have reduced the risks of default and foreclosure while enabling the expanded use of automated underwriting systems.
The term sub prime refers to the credit quality of particular borrowers, who have weakened credit histories and a greater risk of loan default than prime borrowers.
Applying structural approach to modeling default risk, the pricing of default risk zero-coupon bond and a credit spread term structure under incomplete information is developed.
Considering that credit risk and market risk is well correlated, gave the pricing model of credit default swap based on the COX process.
The interest of treasure bond is basic interest because it has no credit risk, it cannot be disturbed by default, and only reflects the relationship between yield and term.
By comparing two typical statistics methods of default rate, the article found a serious error in the statistics method that will impact on the precision of credit risk measurement.
Prices of Argentina's credit-default swaps, a gauge of credit risk, rose to their highest-ever level.
The forth chapter analyze the credit default risk of the consumer and then recommend the methods of the risk control of auto financial company.
Due to the Treasury of the debtor is country, its repayment guarantee is the national fiscal revenue, so it is almost no credit default risk, financial market risk minimum credit instruments.
In the case of considering the influence of the default probability, the paper establishes a credit risk decision model and gives corresponding credit risk d.
And credit risk management is the core of the pricing of the bonds default.
How to fully accurate reflect default dependence in loan portfolio credit risk measurement, is the the focal point of current academic research and practical applications.
For bank the credit risk management have two aspects. One is to manage the default of single borrowers and the other is to manage risk of the whole bank, which takes lots of loan as one portfolio.
However, the importance of the money lent will be lost because borrower default (credit risk) from a portfolio of loans has increased.
Incomplete information model is one of the most advanced credit risk model to calculate default rate. It believes that the information investors can get from markets is incomplete.
Incomplete information model is one of the most advanced credit risk model to calculate default rate. It believes that the information investors can get from markets is incomplete.