By default, this class loader is the parent of any class loader created by the user.
By default, class caches are created with user-level security, so only the user that created the cache can access it.
This method, which is invoked by the LPEX editor when it initializes, defines our user profile class as the default user profile.
A class of events is then typically assigned to users. The default class, that is the class that is assigned to each user on the system, is also given.
An AccountController class in included in the default project template handling user actions for the following.
Otherwise, the generated RowHandler automatically carries out default mapping to the user-defined bean class, prior to returning bean results to the caller.
We will make use of this fact by setting the default user profile to our user profile class during registration of our plug-in, when our preload method is executed.
However, if the default is not desirable, you can configure Rational Asset Manager to use a custom user class, instead, by customizing it to extend the generic UserInformationFactory class.
If a default time-out is used, the server class should include a static property specifying the time-out to be used if the user does not specify one.
That is, not allowing the default-value in the method-level annotation to override the user-specified value at the class-level.
That is, not allowing the default-value in the method-level annotation to override the user-specified value at the class-level.