The speech, titled “The Global Saving Glut and the U.S. Current Account Deficit, ” offered a novel explanation for the rapid rise of the U.S. trade deficit in the early 21st century.
(Acquisitions by firms in Brazil and India are part of a more even two-way flow of capital with the rich world.) by contrast, America funds its current-account deficit by selling assets to foreigners.
The glaring exception to all of this is India, which unlike the rest of Asia has a housing bubble, a borrowing binge and a current-account deficit.
The economy relied increasingly on foreign borrowing. The current-account deficit widened to 14.6% of GDP in 2008.
In 2006 the budget deficit was over 9% of national income; the current-account deficit was 6%.
A country's global current account deficit depends on the excess of its gross domestic investment over gross domestic savings.
The current account deficits of Greece and Portugal exceed 10% of GDP, while the US deficit, despite being gigantic in absolute terms, amounts to "only" 5% of GDP.
Add in the probability of sharply slower domestic demand in America, and the current-account deficit could shrink a fair bit over the coming months.
Vietnam is one of the few Asian countries with both a fiscal budget deficit and a current-account deficit, and inflation, while much lower than in 2008, has started to tick up again.
Whether a current account deficit is unsustainable depends on the type of and the reason for capital inflows.
That contrasted with America, where a spending boom and falling savings drove the current-account deficit as high as 6% of GDP in 2006.
A sharp devaluation of the Belarusian rouble in May and a large current-account deficit have left the economy tottering.
Part of the reason is that capital inflows have gone mainly to finance its persistent current-account deficit.
The reason for concern about India's widening current-account deficit is not that it heralds a financial crisis, but that it is a signal of how supply cannot keep pace with red-hot demand.
Between 1880 and 1914, Britain ran an average current-account surplus of 5% of GDP. In contrast, America today has a deficit of 7% of GDP.
That is the equivalent of around half the current-account deficit.
Last year’s slump in oil prices from an average of nearly $100 abarrel in 2008 to just over $50 pushed Angola’s current account andbudget into deficit for the first time since the war.
Back in 2005 and 2006, Mr Roubini sounded warnings about the property bubble and the dangers of the American current-account deficit.
Indeed, the current-account deficit has carried on climbing these past few years, even though the greenback has been weakening for most of the time.
It was far too reliant on spending from increasingly indebted American consumers: witness the country's gaping current-account deficit, which reached almost 6% of GDP in 2006.
The big point is that if there is to be deleveraging of the private sector and a huge reduction in the fiscal deficit, then the current account deficit must pretty well disappear.
The big point is that if there is to be deleveraging of the private sector and a huge reduction in the fiscal deficit, then the current account deficit must pretty well disappear.