There are limits and acceptable behavior that surround the exercise of delegated authority.
As a human, you also have God - delegated authority on Earth, especially as a member of the Body of Christ.
He would have carried his delegated authority to the point of insisting that Edgar Linton should not be buried beside his wife, but in the chapel, with his family.
Christ has delegated a certain amount of His authority in the earth to His Body, the church.
If the task means signing a requisition, the person to whom you delegated the task must have the same authority to sign that requisition as you have.
Lotus Domino 6 boasted new security functionality, such as the new certificate authority, delegated server administration, and improved password management.
Specific or focused authority to exercise an aspect of governance is delegated to these entities or functions.
Another LOB may have its own portion of governing authority delegated to it by the corporate level.
It encompasses the exercise of authority, decision-making, and certain responsibilities that are delegated to it through specific governance policies.
Such Committees shall report to the Board of Directors and operate under the authority and power delegated to them by the Board of Directors and these Bylaws.
The Contractor shall take instructions from the Employer, or from the Employer's Representative or an assistant to whom the appropriate authority has been delegated under this Clause.
Therefore the main Act delegates certain powers to the Minister of Health who makes rules having the force of law within the scope of the authority delegated to him.
This authority will not be further delegated.
The second category is called delegated or secondary legislation which consists of measures enacted by a person or body to whom the Oireachtas has delegated legislative authority.
Although often described as federal organizations, these leagues actually were confederacies that delegated little power to central authority.
The Contractor shall only take instructions from the Engineer, or from an assistant to whom the appropriate authority has been delegated under this Clause.
The Contractor shall only take instructions from the Engineer, or from an assistant to whom the appropriate authority has been delegated under this Clause.