In general, it is very difficult for the department of personnel matters to know the quality of appointee candidate and make a appropriate personnel appointment because of information asymmetry.
Two weeks of paid vacation in your first year employment, you are also been entitled to medical and dental insurance, but this is something you should discuss with our Personnel Department.
Two weeks of paid vacation in your first-year employment, you are also been entitled to medical and dental insurance, but this is something you should discuss with our Personnel Department.
To assist the Personnel Department to carry out check on the cadres of the Ministry and formulate suggestion and advice on appoint and remove, transfer, rewards and punishment of the cadres.
W: Two weeks of paid vacation in your first year employment. You are also entitled to medical and dental insurance, but this is something you should discuss with our Personnel Department.
The personnel department had not idea of his address since he had moved house several times.
In attempting to design a pay system, the Personnel Department should a compare the value of each job with these in the job market. these.
For instance, "vacation" doesn't mean the same thing to Bob and to the personnel department clerk in charge of leave requests.
Discharging of workers shall be filed with the local labor and personnel department.
This book serves as the basic text for any of the above individuals taking a rotation through a pediatric imaging department and for orienting pediatric personnel within the imaging department.
Inform all thesecurity personnel to get ready for the events. And take a resolute and timelyaction according to the order of department manager or Duty Manager at any time.
Check details on Associate Requisition Form, PAF (Personnel Action Form) raised by department heads against manning guide before submitting for Director of Human Resources' signature.
Upon detection of a suspected nonconformance, it is brought to the attention of QA/QC department by the relevant personnel.
That means you have to ask the personnel department of our school to provide a certificate to confirm that you do not have any of the problems.
After completing the implementation of corrective actions, the Quality Department shall organize relevant personnel to verify the results.
They should treat the talents well and regarded them as personnel of the department, through which enhance the management of personnel resources.
There was a scientist, an inventor of plastics, who received permission from the personnel department of his laboratory to invent a permeable plastic.
This management method requires the participation of all staff, usually by all levels of management and security technology department personnel to organize the implementation of.
Ministry of Personnel or Management Department.
Yes, Sir. The manager of Personnel Department has discussed the salary with me.
After graduation, I started working at the Personnel Department of DDD Company.
After graduation, I started working at the Personnel Department of DDD Company.