It's not lying to tell the story differently depending on the audience.
He has derided the federal stimulus but taken its cash-a sign of pragmatism or hypocrisy, depending on the audience.
They found that while all of them presented wildly different messages, they altered their voices in similar ways, depending on the audience.
It is also interesting to note the arguments for the cultural and economic values are often presented alternately, depending on the audience and the occasion.
So, for example, he painted very realistic ships, and varied their size depending on their distance from the audience.
It always changes from one telling to the next depending on the voice and mood of the storyteller, the place of its telling, the response of the audience.
On our project, these goals varied depending on where we were in the progress of the project, and they in turn determined the precise nature of the demonstration and its audience.
After defining the cloud audience and services the audience requires, it was important to define the technology because the operation model would vary depending on the technology identified.
You can describe the same principle from several angles and at different levels of abstraction depending on the Dreyfus level of your intended audience.
The courses range in cost from $700 to $1, 500 depending on the course, teaching venue and the audience, though grants and scholarships are often available.
The courses range in cost from $700 to $1, 500 depending on the course, teaching venue and the audience, though grants and scholarships are often available.