The district is under consideration for designation as a conservation area.
Her official designation is Financial Controller.
Wilderness designation prohibits road building, the use of mechanized equipment and most other developments.
Hurricane Katrina is widely considered the measure for a destructive storm, holding the maximum Category 5 designation for a full 24 hours in late August 2005.
The formal designation of a namespace is a URI.
The air Force designation for the aircraft is VC-25A.
空军一号指定机型为VC - 25a。
The explicit designation of a master slice is not mandatory.
We make this designation using the page size parameter (ps).
Should there be a designation called User Experience designer?
One of the N-Triples in Listing 8 includes a data type designation.
清单8中的一个N - Triples包含数据类型指定。
The Buffalos designation as a protected river was his worst nightmare.
CIFA’s designation as a law enforcement activity did not transfer to DIA.
As with many of the standard features, this comes with its own JSR208 designation.
许多标准功能都伴随着它自己的SR 208指定。
Or is there something more they need to do in order to garner that designation?
One of the requirements of the Unesco designation is a wet market, and Chengdu has several.
Consult the NOAA documentation to find the radar designation and appropriate URLs for your area.
Another type of section, known by the BSS designation, contains blocks started by symbol data.
Note: If a web site feature exclusively Flash and HTML5 games, it got a Web-Based designation.
WHO supports the designation, the implementation, the monitoring and the leadership of actions.
He now has the inauspicious designation of being a part of the Cavs' worst two losses of the season.
A complete MK designation includes both spectral type and luminosity class -for instance, the sun is a G2V.
一个完整的MK系统代号包含光谱类型和光度型两部分——例如,太阳属于G 2 V类恒星。
Mitsubishi has released its first electric car series under the rather uninspiring model designation i-MiEV.
尽管i -MiEV模型设计没什么特别之处,三菱还是推出了它的首批电动车系列。
The most common designation for the field of programs designed for these tasks is computer algebraic systems (CAS).
为这些任务而设计的程序领域的最常用名称是“计算机代数系统”(Computer Algebraic Systems,CAS)。
This designation was a blessing in those years as it helped fight proposals for a freeway across the heart of the area.
Why It's Bad: Imported shrimp actually holds the designation of being the dirtiest of all the seafood we looked at.
Design debt can be set apart, by tagging it with a "design-debt" designation, or by using a distinct work item type.
A number of military operators use the civilian version of the Hercules, which bears the Lockheed designation L-100.
许多军事运营商使用的版本就是洛克希德公司设计的L- 100飞机。
The designation of buffer pool sizes is dependent upon the amount of storage (both central and expanded) that is available.
The designation of buffer pool sizes is dependent upon the amount of storage (both central and expanded) that is available.