The more time you can "sneak" studying in, the less time you'll have to devote to studying later in the night when you could be spending time with your family or doing something more interesting.
But until that day comes, we must devote major chunks of our precious time to doing our laundry.
Because the tax system is so complicated, many companies have to devote a lot of time and ingenuity to filling out tax forms that could be better spent on doing business.
The other big advantage of doing things this way is that you do not need to devote time separately for setting up infrastructure to use all the new things.
Most people are courteous 1 enough to do the absolute minimum on a date: finish whatever activity you're doing together and devote sufficient time out of respect for the other person.
At the beginning, I tell myself to realize my dream no matter how hard it is, everyone knows there is nothing difficult if you devote yourself to doing it.
We devote between 30 to 40 percent of our conversation time to doing just that, according to the study, which did not focus on boasting specifically but on sharing things about ourselves.
We devote between 30 to 40 percent of our conversation time to doing just that, according to the study, which did not focus on boasting specifically but on sharing things about ourselves.