In case you were wondering, this monstrosity really is one word, not merely many different words squashed together—most of its components cannot even stand up on their own.
Theoretically, different people thinking of the same word or image would have the same activity in their brains, but since no one really knows exactly how the brain works, this is not certain.
“Photo” and “Photography” are the same word repeated twice but in different ways because your audience might use either one when performing a search query.
“Photo”和 “Photography”是相同的意思但用不同的方法重复了两次,因为你的读者可能用它们中的一个来执行一次搜索。
One thing to keep in mind is that our solution requires us to enable the indexing of many different business documents, ranging from PDFs to Word and Excel documents.
要牢记的一点是,我们的解决方案要求我们能够为多种不同的业务文档建立索引,其中包括PD f文档、Word文档和Excel文档等。
When someone is knitting a scarf or a sweater the phrase knit one purl two mightfit the context, but in this case the purl is a different word spelled P U R Land comes from a source meaning “twist.”
而当某位女士针织围巾或是毛衣的时候,她所用的口诀“正一针,倒两针(knit one,purl two)”也许挺符合本文的语境。不过,这个例子里的单词purl拼写却完全不同——PU R L ——它的来源有着“旋转(twist)”的意思。
In the English language, we have just one word to describe the different types of love.
We can describe and explain what has already occurred; but thinking we can predict and control nature in the future is no different than thinking there is only one word that rhymes with blue.
One of the finest things about a language is its elasticity, the way a single word can be stretched to include a variety of meanings and flow with other expressions in different contexts.
In variable words----- one could find ordered and regular series of gramartically different word forms;
English is quite different from Chinese , so it is better to use some skills in translation, one important skill is word-adding.
A pun is a joke that's funny, because one word in the joke has two different meanings.
After popularization of the basketball movement in the word, some different basketball games appeared slowly, the 33 Basketball Game is one of them.
After popularization of the basketball movement in the word, some different basketball games appeared slowly, the 33 Basketball Game is one of them.